Parents, too!Collection
Discover our Parents, Too! jewelry collection
Parents, Too! Jewelry Collection
Display your bond for all to see with our Parents, Too! jewelry collection.

Ready or not, our babies are going to spread their wings and fly.
Some may stay closer to home, some venture to distant lands. Regardless, they are gone from our homes, and seeing their faces every day is a thing of the past, at least temporarily!
“Worlds Apart, Close to Our Heart”
That is the inspiration for the “Worlds Apart, Close to Our Heart” lockets that are the newest addition to our new Revelry Designs Parent’s line. Our kids do not get to high school graduation, off to college, college graduation, and break into reality without an extraordinary amount of help by us, their parents! We think items to celebrate you and acknowledge the excitement tinged with sadness at these milestones are nice additions to our collection. The thrill of getting those wonderful phone calls but the sting of a tear or two as you walk past their now empty room encompasses this time of change for the whole family. I know of what I speak having just sent my second, and youngest child to college. Mine both flew far, one to each coast, so those drop offs were rough.
Personalize Your Locket
They, of course, are close to my heart, and our “Worlds Apart, Close to Our Heart” necklace is just a way to symbolically keep them close. To be able to glance down, open the locket and see maybe their pictures you put inside, or their names and school initials inscribed. However you would like to personalize your locket in a way that means the most to you. I like having things that always remind me of my children with me, it makes me feel closer to them in some small way. My hope is that this locket would serve that same purpose for you.