Nestled in the foothills of the Colorado Rockies sits Golden, Colorado home to the Colorado School of Mines—an exceptional school in an exceptional setting. The hope is that your college student comes up for air every once in a while from their rigorous studies to enjoy the great outdoors right out their door. As we move into fall in Colorado and school visits are on the minds of parents of college students across the country, Golden does not disappoint as a wonderful place to visit. Enjoy Red Rocks Amphitheater, hikes on Lookout Mountain, shopping, eating, and for those of age, visiting the many pubs along the picturesque Wild West Golden main street. Go for a bike ride along Coal Creek, a kayak or tube ride in Coal Creek, or a drive up the canyon beside Coal Creek. Anywhere you go you will get a sense of what Colorado is all about—laid back, outdoorsy, good food, craft beers, with a great education to boot!
Who would not want to remember such a wonderful get-away? Revelry can certainly help! With jewelry available that speaks to the mountains you hiked, the iconic Red Rocks Amphitheater you visited, or a gift for your hard-working university student, and their proud parent!
Colorado School of Mines has many things going for it, not the least of which is a really cool logo. The spherical triangle logo is a striking shape that will get noticed for its stunning look, but also by other Mines students and graduates as the logo of their school. It would make a great gift for any student, staff, new grad, alumni, or family member. I wear it just because I love the look of it so much and I am not even an alum!
The gift ideas for not only your students at Mines and their home (even if just temporary) in Golden are many. Revelry alone has several options. And, if you are not into climbing, rafting, biking, or beer you can buy our gifts simply by climbing onto your couch and pulling up our website!